Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1,000 miles around Lake Michigan

Me and my Dad decided to head out for a small trip around Lake Michigan from Chicago this past weekend. We took our time and spaced it out over a couple days. No crazy party stories about one armed hookers giving reach arounds to your cousin. We just focused on putting down solid miles everyday, sleeping in a motel (which was a nice change from passing out in the dirt), and eating good food that I probalby wont be able to eat for a long time. These are the following pictures. We have been wanting to do this ride since I saw it in a cycle mag 10 years ago. Its no secret, its suppose to be one of the top 10 motorcycle rides in the USA. We left Chicago, stayed in Western MI, the UP, WI and made a pit stop in Milwaukee to show my Dad the museum and grab lunch with a friend. All in all, it was pretty much 1,000 trouble free miles for both bikes. I broke an exhaust bracket in MI but I was smart enough to pack an extra and use some "curb style" fabrications skills to make it work. Not bad for an old worn out Evo that needs a top end.