Oh - I beg to differ, Metallica... Been swamped at work and with family lately so it's been hard to get out to the geerage to work on this pig-o'-mine. These electrical problems are kicking my ass (due to my stubbornness to think it could even possibly be the battery). The last harley, sealed, maintenance free battery I got from harley lasted over 4 years. I built my battery box around *that* kind of battery (so I'm kind of stuck getting that same one). This new battery I purchased in Sep., only 8 months ago. That and the fact that I was reading 12.7 standing voltage - I thought fer sure it had to be something else.
After going thru the wiring 10 friggin times, looking for continuity and shorts (pretty simple harness here, only a few wires) I finally decided to check the battery. Load test....failed! Fuck. Went back to the dealer to get a prorated new one and found out that my 20% discount (for being a Union Member) was a bigger discount than the prorate. Fuck. And, unbeknown to me, I ended up going there on a dealer ride nite - mob scene. Fuck. Douchebag-o'-plenty. More affliction shirts, well manicured thin beard lines, spikey hair and white sneakers than I could count. Fuck. And Bagger Nation was there in force too. Fuck. Gonna throw 'er back together today and see if she'll fire.
On a similar note, looking for the smallest battery possible for my bike - I ran across this site: Tek Battery
And fer a mere $1,000 to $2,500 you too can have a small battery. Whoa.
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