Yep, We drove and the wonderfull Chicago weather followed. Rain, Snow, 8omph winds and a bunch of crazy sandstorms that shut down the highway to joshs favorite place in the world (Tucson). I was really looking forward to recreating the pic of Josh in the Congress hotel where he is sitting by himself. I guess I will have to wait till next time. All in all it was a fuckin great trip with too many stories to tell. I dont know if the trip cleared my head or just made me more of a fuckin retard. Too many late nights filled with booze and drugs. I am back on the wagon for now and looking forward to making the Violation Tour one hell of an event. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to post, email me, or send a letter via homing pigeon. Some events for 2010 that I am looking forward too will be: RFYL in Ohio, Bearded Lady in Minn. Hardtail Party in WI, Davenport on Labor Day and I am sure many more. I wish I could make all of the other cool events but I must pick and choose wisely. Hope everyone has their bikes ready to go summer is right around the corner.