The Leg and I were riding the other day and I heard what sounded like some clutch chatter, even Bobby could hear it riding next to me. Figgard it just needed to be pulled apart and adjusted. Then Natas and I were ripping down 64 twards Uncle Paulies and I thought I felt the trans slipping on me. Weird. This was last week. Been hauling parts around for work in the van and been busy - so haven't seen much ride time since then.
Anyhoo, A slight work injury (rotator cuff and neck sprain) kept me off The Boot Scraper this weekend and so I figgard I'd check into that chatter/slip. Clutch is fine. Tranny ok. Tranny plate...not so much. Front mount:
Top - something looks odd...

Bottom - holy crap...

Happened to find a deal on a new one, on the JJ. It's on the way. The new ones chrome, so it should be stronger.
Got my new plate. Gonna try and mabey beef up the mounts. Gotta get crackin', Torque Fest is commin' up soon!