Really it was an accident?..the phone call went something like this.....
Me-''hey,chris it's me your good friend josh,how are you and your cookie diet going?''
Chris-''Hi, josh,good,I can eat all the cookies I want and I'm banging out strippers like I use to in the olden days...''
Me-''Swell,hey I was thinking tonight we should both wear our S.O.A t shirts so,everyone knows we have choppers.''
Chris-''fuck that dude,I don't think you have ever rode five hours on a rigid in your going out t shirt....it's going to get bugs and stuff on it..I don't want to look like shit in front of our hot dates.''
Me-''Good point,your smart,I should have went to art school instead of beauty school.''
Chris-''so lets agree to not wear our shirts''
Me-''Okay,i'll just wear one of my too tight t shirts and flannels..''
Me-'' word''
And then when I got there we both had our fucking SOA t shirts on.....
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